Sunday, March 22, 2009


♥ The Art Of Integration(ISLAM IN BRITAIN) ♥ shows the talent of the photographer as well as the diversity of society that he is portraying.Peter Sanders has emerged as one of the skillful photographers in Britain today.His focus has been Muslim from all over the world,but particularly from more remote and traditional societies as Mauritania,Hadrammawat,China,Japan.
♥ PETER SANDERS ♥ born in London , began his photograpic career during the mid-Sixties,when captured most of major music icon of era,incuding Dylan and the Rolling Stone.In 1970 his attention turned inward,setting him on a spiritual path that led to the Muslim world.In 1971 he was granted the unique opportunity of photographing the Hajj.These images appered in major UK and European magazines.
♥ llustrating the subtleties of a faith is no easy task.His deepest concern at the moment is to bridge the cultural divide between the secular west and Islam.Being in the position of seeing the beauty of Islam from within, it is this that he wants to share with others.
♥ Exhibition in Special Gallery 1, Islamic Arts Museum ,20 January-20 April 2009 ♥

Thursday, March 19, 2009

✿Control your environment ✿

✿ Tip for Reducing your exposure to pollution ✿

♥ whenever possible,buy only organically produced food of all types.Look for organic meat,poultry,dairy products and eggs
♥ if you cannot buy organic fruits and vegetables,thoroughly wash all produce before eting
♥ avoid processed food as much as possible.The more natural your det,the fewer food additives you will consume
♥ drink pure ,clean water.Filtered or top-quality spring water is the best choice
♥ limit your use of prescription medication alcohol, tobacco...these all leave residues in the body
♥ use only natural cleanser for your home and body.This includes detergent and other laundry products,soaps,shampoos.
♥ open the windows in your home often to improve air circulation.The air inside the average home is often more polluted than the air outside
♥ creating a healthy living environment for you and your family

Thursday, March 12, 2009

✿ Go Holiday ✿


Monday, March 2, 2009

♥ Video I Like ♥

♥ Every time i watch this video one word : beautiful + amazing ♥