Sunday, June 15, 2008

ayat-ayat cinta

This is a religious love story based on a best-selling novel of the same title by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Fahri earns a scholarship at an esteemed university in Cairo. Innocent, pure and brave, the usually shy Fahri finds himself surrounded by four beautiful, distinctly different women. Fahri considers Maria, a shy Coptic neighbour, as one of his best friends but he devotes his love to only Aisha, a German-Turkish student with beautiful eyes. After a brief courtship, the two marry, resulting in three broken hearts. Nurul, the daughter of a cleric, accepts her fate. Noura, an abused Egyptian neighbour turns against Fahri and accuses him of rape while Maria sinks into depression and illness.
Director Hanung Bramantyo
Cast Fedi Nuril, Rianti Rhiannon Cartwright, Carissa Puteri, Melanie Putria.

1 comment:

ruslina said...

aku baru ja tgk cita ni, ok, suka juga, hampir2 nak menangis, nasib baik mampu betahan, huhu,